Choose The Right Water Feature For Your Garden

Water features are more popular than ever, as increasingly advanced design moves them away from the traditional stone fountain and offers lighting, unusual materials, sleek looks and a dazzling variety of styles. With so many options on the market, before you select a water feature for your outdoor space, it is worth considering these points.

Counting costs

For most people, the price of a new water feature will be an important consideration at the time of purchase. It is not only the initial cost of the unit that needs to be weighed up, but also the installation work required - if a plumber and/or builder will be required to get the water feature up and running, these additional costs need to be factored in. Most water features recycle the water, but be wary of any that don't. They could make a big impact on your water rates. If lighting is an element of the design, LED bulbs will be the cheapest to run on mains electricity, or look for one of the many solar powered options. Ongoing maintenance is another monetary concern. Consider if the feature has pipes to be cleaned or chemical levels to maintain.

Natural attraction

The main appeal of a water feature is the naturally restful sound of water trickling outdoors, as though you are in the vicinity of a tropical stream or gentle cascade. Other elements of nature are less desirable, however. If the water feature has a large still-water component, such as a pond or fountain base, this may attract unwanted wildlife, like mosquitoes or noisy frogs. On the other hand, if you are a bird lover, install a feature that the local birds can use as a bath or drinking fountain, and this will attract them to your garden.

Does size matter

When selecting the size of your water feature, ensure you have taken measurements at home before visiting a supplier. It is hard to assess the relative size of a water feature when in the store, and you don't want to bring what appeared to be a discreetly-sized, wall-mounted feature home only to find that it looks like Niagara Falls in the context of your small backyard. Equally, if you do have a large garden and you want your water feature to actually be a feature, choose one large enough that it is not lost in all that space.

Style statement

With so many designer water features available, it is easy to be impressed by some of the newer, laser-cut steel fountains or back-lit contemporary water sculptures. If you own a Victorian terrace with original features, however, these may not be right for you. Try to keep your water feature in keeping with the style of your outdoor space. There are contemporary designs that still work well with traditional gardens in softer materials such as copper or tinted glass.

For more information, contact a business such as The Gardeners Nursery.

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How I Made My Home and Garden Look Great

Welcome to my blog! My name is Tyler and I would like to tell you a story about how I made my home and garden look great. For a long time, I didn't think twice about how my home and garden looked. However, then I met this wonderful woman and I realised I would be inviting her over to my place. I called in my friend who is a home and garden contractor and told him that I needed to fix up my home and garden. He was really great and completed the work while giving me some great tips. I am now married to that wonderful woman so I decided to start a blog to help others.




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